Monday, October 02, 2006

Male Restroom Etiquette

Check out this 10 minute video I found today. I know you all have at least 10 minutes to waste, so why not waste it watching this. It's on male restroom etiquette, which all of us (men and women alike), should be aware of. I am not sure about female restroom etiquette, but I'm guessing it's a bit different from what you are about to see. If any female wants to explain female restroom etiquette, please feel free to do so. All I know is that group bathroom breaks are acceptable and even preferred among women. Talking in the bathroom seems to be a normal occurrence, and they don't have to worry about the one-urinal between rule as they don't use urinals. Perhaps there is a one-stall between rule though. Not sure. Anyways, watch the video.

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